Monday 22 December 2014

Jeffrey Zisselman- Read This Article

Valuable time passes as we seek every available alternative; many see psychics looking for any indication that the medical findings as well as the investigation are certainly in error. Somehow we envision if only one 'great psychic' says it isn't accurate, that is enough to make it thus. 

Soon things start to transform physically as well as the truth becomes more and more apparent. The last lap is running in our game of life. The ending is approaching fast and unavoidable. Actually accept that this is the truth and nothing will alter it, when we understand this, things start to change in the exterior and also the interior. We become a whole lot more in touch with our higher self. We can feel the peace, can feel our congenital working as difficult as possible to carry on to live while that higher part preparing to welcome us and of us who has consistently been with us, is joining the journey home.

Let us be fair. The suggestion that Grace is in everything is a one that is very hard, maybe heresy. We're so intensely attached to what some have called the "Santa Claus God" that simply delivers presents on our terms and according to our comprehension. We resist the notion that something which is clearly bad and nice could perhaps by part of Grace. This really is known as a closed head.

In light of the challenge, here are a couple of questions with which to begin our question.

Am I willing to contemplate that Grace is present in every manifestation?

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